从专为 AEP 调解和公证服务客户提供低费率的专业口译员名单开始。向下滚动,越过口译员,查看上传的其他资源和视频,以帮助我们的客户更好地准备调解。

普通话/英语和斯瓦希里语/英语 & 基尼亚卢旺达语/英语;交替传译
克里斯蒂安在过去 4 年一直从事普通话笔译/口译工作。在中国留学的7年时间里,他获得了HSK 5级等普通话认证。在获得这些认证的同时,他也积累了丰富的制造业、建筑业等行业的翻译经验。除此之外,克里斯蒂安的母语是斯瓦希里语。目前他还在学习法语,以增加他的语言专业知识。

Peter Chin
Peter 拥有 4 年的英语-普通话和英语-粤语交替和同声传译经验。在 multicultural environment 中长大使他能够理解不同文化之间的细微差别,作为一名训练有素的公众演说家,他能够清晰准确地进行交流。他沉着冷静,风度翩翩,喜欢搭建跨越语言障碍的沟通桥梁。

Elizabeth Dannenfelser, B.A.
Spanish/English; Consecutive Interpreting
Elizabeth has 7+ years of English-Spanish consecutive/simultaneous interpretation and translation experience. She is also a professional English and Spanish teacher. She has lived, worked, and studied in Argentina, Uruguay, and Colombia, and therefore has a deep understanding of the regional nuances of the Spanish language. She specializes in medical, legal and government interpretation and translation.

Alexis L. Joseph Taveras,教育硕士
亚历克西斯在语言领域工作了 8 年多。他拥有现代语言学士学位;以及,英语作为第二语言的硕士学位。 Alexis 还拥有 TESOL-TEFL 国际认证,时数超过 150 小时。多年来,他为许多偏远的全球机构教授和协调语言;并且,甚至会说中级法语。

Jean 在英语作为第二语言的教学方面拥有 21 年的经验。 Jean 拥有超过 13 年的笔译、口译、配音专家和转录员经验;以及超过 9 年的正规语言教育。他非常有风度,喜欢帮助有语言障碍的人。

Mayra 在翻译行业工作了大约 10 年;并且,已经正式翻译一年了。 Mayra 曾与许多需要翻译法律/机密文件的公司合作。 她相信她的口译服务将以英语和西班牙语的全面方式涵盖原始消息中的所有细节。

Eman Noureddin Mohamed, JD
“同声传译”,她拥有完成两千小时电话口译的“专业口译证书”。 Eman 还于 2016 年毕业于开罗大学法学院;使她成为法律环境的完美翻译。

Yassin 自 2017 年以来一直从事该行业。他在多元化的环境中长大,这加深了他对伊拉克语、哈利吉语、叙利亚语、苏丹语和许多其他阿拉伯方言的了解。他做过医学、法律和金融的交传/同声传译。除了为无声者代言外,他还喜欢以第三人称称呼自己。他还从出色的工作中获得满足感。
Online Parenting Class to Satisfy Divorce Court Requirements
Starting at only $25, this website, which is run by the North American Learning Institute, offers the lowest priced Parent Education And Family Stabilization Course (which is required in most U.S. jurisdictions for divorcing parents) with absolutely no hidden fees. As with AEP Mediation, this course will satisfy your court requirement, and can be completed remotely from the comfort of your desired location.
NAD 解释器目录
该目录由全国聋人协会提供,包括许多提供视频远程口译 (VRI) 的口译员。
Divorce Coach
A divorce coach is always a great resource to have, for those who can afford to have one. We have worked with a few, and find that Lisa Lisser is a great asset to those in need of additional support/guidance during the divorce process. Lisa is a CDC Certified Divorce Coach, a DCA certified Conflicted Co-Parenting Divorce Coach, and a certified Vesta Divorce Professional. Because Lisa typically only works with individuals (one party to a divorce), we will also be adding a divorce coach who supports couples (inclusively) soon.
Current/Relevant News
Stay in the loop about certain improvements/changes or legal decisions and/or findings that may affect mediation and additional alternative dispute resolution models. We will periodically update this portion of our site with new news and articles we find that are current and relevant.
Michael Ruiz
of Fox News
Libby Snyder with
The Uniform Law Commission
D. Parvaz
of Weekly Edition and NPR
Steven M. Bierman for
The New York State Bar Association
Spencer Lee for
National Mortgage News
Dan Flynn for Food Safety News
If you are searching "divorce mediator near me," you should come to us. Our mediators are spread out across the US, so it would be easy to link you to one near you. Our team of experienced divorce mediators are dedicated to helping couples and families find common ground and come to mutually beneficial agreements.
We believe that mediation is often a better alternative to the traditional adversarial legal process, as it can save time, money, and emotional stress. We'll also take the time to understand your unique situation and help you out with a solution.
So, if you wish to find a "divorce mediator near me," you should give our Family/Domestic Mediation page a visit.