
调解是替代性争议解决的一种形式,已经使用了 2000 多年。它的起源可以追溯到古希腊,那里有指定的社会成员来干预和协助公民解决他们的纠纷。这样做是为了维持他们社会的和平与秩序。古希腊人民的这种文化方法不仅仍然是他们社会的宝贵组成部分,而且在现代全世界也非常流行。美国在 1960 年代采用了这种方法,当时工人开始罢工并要求提高工资和工作条件。由于在调解这些劳动争议问题上取得了成功,调解已被大多数美国法院采纳。利用调解有助于减轻司法系统的负担,在早期阶段化解矛盾,而不是将案件拖到审判阶段;这对当事人/法院来说是非常昂贵的。
使用 AEP 调解和公证服务进行调解
寻求调解的一方将通过电话 1-877-377-1116(打电话)、1-561-334-8812(发送短信或 WhatsApp)或发送电子邮件至 info@aepmns.org 联系调解协调员,以讨论问题,案件的状态(是否已经立案,案件是否在司法程序中,法官是否已下令调解等),并提供对方的联系方式派对。
一旦双方支付了调解费,指定的调解员将联系所有各方,通过文件请求、Zoom 链接和任何其他必要的细节为调解做准备,以确保在调解之前解决所有问题和疑虑。
各方需要创建一个免费的 zoom 帐户(不到五分钟),然后单击调解员提供的链接以在预定日期参加调解。当事人可以这样做来自世界任何地方,在手机、平板电脑、台式机或笔记本电脑(具有音频和视频功能)上;只要他们的位置安静且私密(因为调解必须在可以实现保密的地方进行)。
如果您是第一次使用 Zoom,请观看下面的视频,了解有关使用 Zoom 的更多信息。
Mediation "Styles"
Mediation encompasses various styles, each with its own approach to resolving disputes. Here are the main styles of mediation:
Facilitative Mediation
In facilitative mediation, the mediator acts as a neutral facilitator who guides the parties through the process. The mediator helps clarify issues, encourages open communication, and assists in generating options for resolution. The focus is on empowering the parties to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.
Transformative Mediation
Transformative mediation emphasizes empowering the parties and transforming their relationship. The mediator facilitates communication, encourages empathy and understanding, and helps parties recognize each other's perspectives. The goal is not only to reach a resolution but also to strengthen relationships and promote personal growth.
Evaluative Mediation
In evaluative mediation, the mediator takes a more active role in evaluating the merits of each party's position and providing feedback on potential outcomes. The mediator may offer legal insights, assess the strengths and weaknesses of each party's case, and propose settlement options based on their evaluation. The focus is on reaching a settlement that is fair and legally sound.
Directive Mediation
Directive mediation involves a mediator who takes a proactive role in guiding the parties towards a resolution. The mediator may offer suggestions, make recommendations, and even impose solutions if necessary. This style is more directive and focused on achieving a quick resolution, often suitable for complex cases or parties who need more guidance.
Narrative Mediation
Narrative mediation focuses on storytelling and reframing the narrative of the conflict. The mediator helps parties explore the underlying narratives that drive their conflict, challenge negative perceptions, and create new narratives that support resolution and understanding. This style emphasizes the importance of language and how it shapes our understanding of conflicts.
Community Mediation
Community mediation involves resolving disputes within a community setting, often facilitated by trained community mediators. This style emphasizes community involvement, collaboration, and restorative justice principles. Community mediators work to address underlying community issues, rebuild relationships, and promote harmony within the community.
Each style of mediation offers unique advantages and may be more suitable for certain types of disputes or parties. Mediators may adapt their approach based on the specific needs and dynamics of the parties involved, aiming to facilitate a fair, efficient, and mutually acceptable resolution.
We are the ultimate destination of all mediation websites for remote mediation services, divorce mediation services, and business mediation services. We offer a range of mediation services that are designed to help you navigate disputes and find mutually beneficial solutions from the comfort of your own location.
With our experienced mediators and advanced technology, we are able to provide efficient and effective mediation services that are tailored to your unique situation. Our remote mediation services will also allow you to participate in the mediation process from anywhere in the world, on the device of your choosing.