Nou pote solisyon an ba ou!
Medyasyon/Resous Preparasyon Notè pou Kliyan yo
Kòmanse ak yon lis Entèprèt Pwofesyonèl ki bay tarif ki ba sèlman pou kliyan AEP Medyasyon ak Sèvis Notè. Desann, pase entèprèt yo, pou jwenn resous adisyonèl ak videyo ki telechaje pou ede kliyan nou yo pi byen prepare pou medyasyon an.

Kretyen Ineza
Mandarin/Angle & Swahili/Angle & Kinyarwanda/Angle; Entèpretasyon youn apre lòt
Kretyen ap tradui/entèprete Mandarin depi 4 ane ki sot pase yo. Etidye nan Lachin, pou 7 ane ki sot pase yo, te ekipe l 'ak sètifikasyon Mandarin, tankou HSK Nivo 5. Pandan ke li atenn sètifikasyon sa yo, li te tou akimile yon gwo kantite eksperyans ak tradiksyon pou endistri tankou manifakti ak konstriksyon. Anplis de sa, lang natif natal kretyen an se Swahili. Kounye a li ap aprann franse tou, pou l ajoute nan ekspètiz lang li.

Pyè Chin
Mandarin/Angle & Kantonè/Angle; Entèpretasyon youn apre lòt
Peter gen 4 ane eksperyans nan angle-mandaren ak angle-kantonèz entèpretasyon youn apre lòt ak similtane. Grandi nan yon miltikiltirèl environment ekipe l 'ak yon konpreyansyon sou nuans ki genyen ant diferan kilti, epi yo te yon oratè piblik ki resevwa fòmasyon pèmèt li kominike klèman ak presizyon. Li kalm ak pèsonalite, epi li renmen bati pon kominikasyon atravè baryè langaj.

Elizabeth Dannenfelser, B.A.
Spanish/English; Consecutive Interpreting
Elizabeth has 7+ years of English-Spanish consecutive/simultaneous interpretation and translation experience. She is also a professional English and Spanish teacher. She has lived, worked, and studied in Argentina, Uruguay, and Colombia, and therefore has a deep understanding of the regional nuances of the Spanish language. She specializes in medical, legal and government interpretation and translation.

Alexis L. Joseph Taveras, M.Ed.
Panyòl/Angle; Entèpretasyon youn apre lòt
Alexis gen plis pase 8 lane nan domèn lang. Li gen yon bakaloreya nan lang modèn; epi, yon Mèt nan Angle kòm Dezyèm Lang. Alexis tou gen yon Sètifikasyon Entènasyonal nan TESOL-TEFL, ak plis pase 150 èdtan. Li te anseye ak kowòdone Lang nan anpil ajans mondyal elwaye pandan ane yo; epi, menm pale franse entèmedyè.

Jean Ernest Pierre, BA
Franse/Angle & Kreyòl/Angle; Entèpretasyon youn apre lòt
Jean gen 21 ane eksperyans nan anseye angle kòm dezyèm lang. Jean gen plis pase 13 ane eksperyans kòm yon tradiktè, entèprèt, espesyalis vwa-over, ak transkritè; epi, plis pase 9 ane edikasyon fòmèl nan Lang. Li gen anpil pèsonalite e li renmen ede moun ki gen pwoblèm lang.

Mayra Hernandez, BA
Panyòl/Angle; Entèpretasyon youn apre lòt
Mayra te travay nan endistri tradiksyon an pou apeprè 10 ane kounye a; epi, li te entèprete fòmèlman pou yon ane. Mayra te travay ak anpil konpayi kote dosye legal/konfidansyèl yo te bezwen tradiksyon. Li gen konfyans ke sèvis entèpretasyon li yo pral kouvri tout detay ki soti nan mesaj orijinal la nan yon fason konplè tou de an Angle ak Panyòl.

Eman Noureddin Mohamed, JD
Arab/Angle; Entèpretasyon youn apre lòt
Eman te resevwa yon "Diplòm Pwofesyonèl nan Tradiksyon Legal ak Nasyonzini" an Me 2018, epi li se de klas lwen pou yo te bay diplòm pwofesyonèl nan.
"Entèpretasyon Similtane," Li gen yon "Sètifika Entèprèt Pwofesyonèl" pou konplete de mil èdtan nan entèpretasyon nan telefòn. Eman te gradye tou lekòl lalwa, nan University of Cairo, nan 2016; fè li entèprèt pafè pou yon anviwònman legal.

Yassin Dawoud, BA
Arab/Angle; Entèpretasyon youn apre lòt
Yassin te nan endistri a depi 2017. Li te grandi nan yon anviwònman divès ki file konesans li nan Irak, Khaliji, moun lavil Aram, Soudan, ak anpil lòt dyalèk arab. Li te fè entèpretasyon medikal, legal, ak finansye youn apre lòt/similtane. Anplis se yon vwa pou moun ki san vwa li renmen refere li nan twazyèm moun nan. Li tou tire satisfaksyon nan yon travay byen fè.
Tanpri rezève medyasyon an premye, answit mande sèvis entèprèt. Fè nòt non entèprèt yo. Chwazi yon premye ak dezyèm chwa, epi klike sou bouton demann.
Se konsa, tout moun gen pouvwa pou pran desizyon enpòtan.
Lòt Resous Medyasyon/Preparasyon Notè pou Kliyan yo
Online Parenting Class to Satisfy Divorce Court Requirements
Starting at only $25, this website, which is run by the North American Learning Institute, offers the lowest priced Parent Education And Family Stabilization Course (which is required in most U.S. jurisdictions for divorcing parents) with absolutely no hidden fees. As with AEP Mediation, this course will satisfy your court requirement, and can be completed remotely from the comfort of your desired location.
Anyè entèprèt NAD
Anyè sa a, Asosyasyon Nasyonal pou Soud yo bay, gen ladann anpil entèprèt ki bay entèpretasyon videyo a distans (VRI).
Anyè Avoka
Asosyasyon Bar Ameriken an gen yon lis anyè avoka pou chak eta. Yon avoka pa obligatwa pou medyasyon, paske pati yo lib pou pran tout desizyon nan medyasyon pou pwòp volonte yo. Si yon pati vle anboche oswa resevwa konsèy nan men yon avoka, yo ka jwenn youn ak anyè sa a.
Divorce Coach
A divorce coach is always a great resource to have, for those who can afford to have one. We have worked with a few, and find that Lisa Lisser is a great asset to those in need of additional support/guidance during the divorce process. Lisa is a CDC Certified Divorce Coach, a DCA certified Conflicted Co-Parenting Divorce Coach, and a certified Vesta Divorce Professional. Because Lisa typically only works with individuals (one party to a divorce), we will also be adding a divorce coach who supports couples (inclusively) soon.
Current/Relevant News
Stay in the loop about certain improvements/changes or legal decisions and/or findings that may affect mediation and additional alternative dispute resolution models. We will periodically update this portion of our site with new news and articles we find that are current and relevant.
Michael Ruiz
of Fox News
Libby Snyder with
The Uniform Law Commission
D. Parvaz
of Weekly Edition and NPR
Steven M. Bierman for
The New York State Bar Association
Spencer Lee for
National Mortgage News
Dan Flynn for Food Safety News
If you are searching "divorce mediator near me," you should come to us. Our mediators are spread out across the US, so it would be easy to link you to one near you. Our team of experienced divorce mediators are dedicated to helping couples and families find common ground and come to mutually beneficial agreements.
We believe that mediation is often a better alternative to the traditional adversarial legal process, as it can save time, money, and emotional stress. We'll also take the time to understand your unique situation and help you out with a solution.
So, if you wish to find a "divorce mediator near me," you should give our Family/Domestic Mediation page a visit.